Seasonal Camper Rules

Please review the Policies for Seasonal Campers at Vacationland. It is important that you understand and abide by the policies in place. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY TO REVIEW SEASONAL RULES AND POLICIES YEARLY TO KEEP UP TO DATE ON CHANGES.


All Seasonal policies and campground rules will be enforced; any issues or emergencies, abuse of staff, etc that happens; written reports will be filled out and placed in your file for management/ owners to review. If there are numerous issues concerning any particular site/sites may warrant a visit from management/owner and may result in eviction without refund. After a review of reports at any time of the season; Management reserves the right not to renew/ evict during/end of the season.

PLEASE NOTE: Security and Management reports are private and will not be released campers to protect the privacy of individuals that may be mentioned in reports.

Smoking/ Vaping Cannabis within the park: 
Cannabis is prohibited in outside public areas within the park:
  1. On roads and paths
  2. In public buildings
  3. Outside the rec hall
  4. Play and field areas
  5. Pool area
Campers will only be permitted to smoke/vape Cannabis on their sites/campers/trailers/motorhomes. Vacationland Owner, Manager, and staff reserve the right and is at their discretion to ask you not to smoke on/in your sites/campers/trailers/motorhomes if complaints arise from the surrounding neighbors concerning smell and second-hand Cannabis smoke impeding on their site or in their campers/trailers/motorhomes.
Anyone violating our Cannabis policies will have a report made and reviewed by Owner and Manager.
Please Note: Rules and Policies on Cannabis use will be subjected for review halfway through and at the end of the season and may result in the park updating cannabis rules.
Upgrading Trailer

If you have upgraded to a new trailer( trailer must be 2005 and up), make sure the trailer will fit onto your site, then make arrangements with the company you purchased the trailer from to place the trailer on your site and in the proper place within the lot lines. A Grounds Staff person must be present when trailers are being set up. This must also be done during staff working hours. Prior notice to delivery is required. If you buy a trailer within the park and change owners it is no longer grandfathered in.

New Incoming Seasonals

Trailers must be 2005 and up. All Seasonal trailers that are older than 2005  in the park prior to 2021 are grandfathered in.


All fees are to be paid on time. Spring fees are due on the first opening day of the new season. Payments can be made at the office during business hours or by E-transfer. If you need to make special arrangements for payment, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to do so BEFORE payment deadlines.

  1. For seasonals paying by visa or Mastercard, there will be a 3% processing to all credit card transactions.
  2. Seasonals requiring a payment plan will be required to pay $200 on top of the seasonal fee to accommodate administration and time
  3. Seasonals requiring extensions will be subject to a $100 fee
  4. You can pay anytime or any amount on your seasonal site during the winter months through E-transfer.

It is your responsibility to notify management in person, by phone, or by email to of not returning for the following season no later than MAY 1st; Trailer, deck, and personal belongings must be removed no later than May 16th so the site can be rented, cleaned, and readied for new incoming seasonal.

All seasonals are required to pay seasonal payments before or by end of the opening day. Any seasonals that decide after opening day and after the seasonal fee is paid: to leave on your own accord for no valid reason once the season has started no refund will be given.

If payment is not received by the opening day or payment plan or extensions have not been paid or approved by end of the opening day; maintenance will shut water and electricity to the seasonal site until payment or alternative approval is paid and approved. If payment or alternative approval is not paid or approved in a week (seasonal responsibility) an eviction will be issued and the site will be given to another seasonal on the internal or external waitlist.

A seasonal deposit of $150(non-refundable) is required by September 15th every season to hold your site for the following season. All sites without a deposit paid will be made available for purchase for current/new seasonal campers. This is only to hold the site so it will not be rented to a new incoming seasonal and does not entitle you to stay until the remainder is due if you are not returning. All seasonals leaving must give notice by May 1st each year by email or verbally in person/phone. Once notice/new site is offered and accepted; the site will be put up for rent. Once rented by a new/existing seasonal you will not be able to change your mind and request to keep the site.


Seasonals will be required to sign a new lease when requested by management for a number of reasons such as:

  • Transferred to a new site
  • Site fees were changed
  • Contact information is out of date
  • Site numbers have changed

Security/maintenance/manager will perform their duties accordingly to address a complaint/emergency repairs to the site (electrical, sewer, and water) and may enter a site to do so as it is the property of Vacationland. The site fees you pay as a seasonal is to have the use of a site for the season; to use the amities and services of the park and does not give you ownership of the site/property or entitle you to refuse staff entrance onto the site to perform their duties.

All trailers must be movable: tires, frame, and hitch must be maintained and in working condition in case of trailers have to be moved for site maintenance, tree removal or trimming, and emergencies. Trailers/RVs not maintained and can not move when needed; camper will need to be fixed and bring trailer/RV up to standard to be moveable. If this cannot be done notice will be given that the trailer is beyond repair and will be requested to be removed from the park. NO TRAILER/RV IS GRANDFATHERED IN or EXEMPT FROM THIS POLICY

Seasonals may be requested to remove trailers for one winter in order to do site maintenance to a section/area of the park that needs numerous repairs eg: Sewage, electrical, tree removal. Seasonals that do not or cannot secure storage can be offered to place the trailer on a weekend site for the winter. Costs for having trailers removed and put back on-site and storage fees will be solely the Seasonals responsibility.

ALL SEASONALS-Must have insurance coverage on their trailers/RVs

Vacationland reserves the right to request Seasonal to remove the trailer if it is beyond repair has exceeded 25 years and is in very poor shape.

Trailers may be left on site for the winter (as a courtesy and not as a privilege of your seasonal rate); IT IS AT YOUR OWN RISK and Vacationland IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGES that may be caused by heavy snow, falling trees, sewer backups, theft, etc. during our offseason. We ask you to do the following:

  • No personal items are to be stored near or under the trailer.
  • The sewer release valve is closed and disconnect sewer pipe from the trailer to avoid any potential sewer backups over the winter months
  • Sites are to be left clean and free of garbage.

Seasonal campers are permitted guests for no extra charge. All guests and vehicles must be registered at the office or with security in the event the office is closed. All guests must be accompanied by the seasonal camper while staying on the seasonal site and the seasonal camper is responsible for the guest that is visiting their site.

Any camper permitting another person, who is not on their site lease contract, to use their seasonal pass will forfeit their camping privileges immediately and must remove themselves, their trailer, and belongings from the site immediately and no money will be refunded.

YOU CAN NOT RENT YOUR CAMPING TRAILER TO SOMEONE ELSE. Anyone in violation of this rule will be asked to leave the park and no money will be refunded.


Please note: when you sell your trailer the seasonal lot does not go with it. You can check with management to see if there is anyone on a waitlist for the lot or incoming as a new seasonal; special permission may be granted if there is no one waiting for the site or we do not have a waitlist for new seasonals. In the case of a waitlist for that site, the New Owner will be offered another seasonal site if available.


Permission must be obtained from the owners before BUILDING ANYTHING on the site or altering the site in any way or form. Management reserves the right to inspect any seasonal lot and buildings on the tenant’s seasonal lot. Any Buildings such as mini barns, decks, or any other structures not within building requirements or without permission will be asked to be removed at the camper’s expense; there will be no reimbursement for materials, time, or labor loss.

If you have any leaves or pine needles from spring clean-up, please leave them roadside at your site. They must be in large paper leaf bags so they can be burned, no plastic, please.


All allowable decks are to be flat, with a railing, steps, and lattice which should not exceed the length of the trailer nor 12 feet in width. A small privacy/shelter area at one end only is allowed, not exceeding 6 feet in height from the deck floor. Deck shall not impede on a neighboring site or over any hookup post. Also, portable put up and take-down style gazebos on decks are allowed. No wooden or permanent structures. There are to be NO decks that include items such as wooden roof structures or tops or tarps or structures over the top of the entire trailer, etc. It is your responsibility to see Management before any construction is done on your site.  Anything done to decks prior to 2015 will be “grandfathered in”.

If you are near the waterfront you are not permitted to build stairs and docks down to the water. It will be at the Owner's discretion to ask site lessors to have such stairs and docks removed. An Email or Written Letter will be issued by the Manager at the Owners request.


Mini Barns must be:

  1. Wooden structures must have preferably white siding on it. They must have siding on them. This has been the rule of the Park for over 10 years, except for the very few that were “grandfathered in at the time” of the amendment to the rule.
  2. Garden Shed Metal Type.
  3. The plastic vinyl resin style of mini-barn is now allowed. The maximum size is 6’x8’. No mini barns are to be used for children’s bunkhouses, and no bunkhouses are permitted in the Park. No electrical power to sheds.

Personalized name signs are to be placed on your decks or on a post as opposed to on the trees.

Please keep your site neat and tidy at all times. This includes mowing the grass, weed trimming, etc. Any toys, bikes, etc. are to be stored neatly on the site; on the side or back of the trailer or shed. Outside of camper must be free of excessive dirt, tape, tarps, etc.

Maintenance of Site

Seasonal camper is responsible for the maintenance of their own sites. If you require assistance, please go to the Office to request/fill out a Work Order form. Keep in mind that our Staff has daily duties for our business, please consider their time. They will attend to your request in a timely fashion.

Anyone that is not maintaining their site and  the site becomes an eyesore for example:

  • The trailer/camper is not maintained(has holes, tape, tarps, wood in windows, excessive dirt, etc.)
  • The site is littered with garbage
  • The site has toys littered all over the site and is never put away nightly. (we expect kids to play and understand toys will be about on the site but toys should be put away nightly)
  • The deck is falling apart, not kept tidy or has peeling paint.
  • Foul smell coming from the site
  • Pets are not picked up after
  • Leaving wood, pallets, metal, etc. in the back or under the trailer
  • The grass is not maintained

Anyone that is not maintaining their site will be given a warning via written, email, phone, or in-person by the Manager and will be given a date to have the site cleaned and up to standards. If the site is not brought up to standards your lease will be revoked/terminated; you will be evicted from the park and will not receive a refund for site fees.

Temporary clotheslines for towels and bathing suits are permitted. However, no other laundry may be hung. There is a Laundromat located in the park for your convenience.

All sewer lines are to be hard piped and properly fit in the sewer hole with a donut on the end of the line, if applicable. The only exceptions are if a seasonal is a regular traveler outside of the park. If your camper is not hard piped in upon inspections of the site you will receive notice to have it hard piped in and give a date to be done by. If you do not comply water will be shut off at the site until it is hard piped.

Wood piles are not to exceed 3 feet high X 4 feet wide and must be kept tidy.

No storage of lumber, pallets, old screens, awnings, clutter items, etc. around, under, or behind your trailer or site.

Only 2 strands of LED lights (25 feet each) are permitted per site.

All air conditioners, lights, and patio lights are to be turned off when you are away from your site. All extra lighting must be turned off while you are sleeping and during daylight. We must work together to minimize electrical costs.

No washing machines or dryers are allowed on campsites.


Additional amenities including the fridge, freezer, the power to a mini barn, space heaters, and additional outdoor lighting are $200 per year. We ask that you acknowledge and pay for these additional amenities when paying your seasonal lot fees. All additional amenity fees started mid-season will be prorated.


Do not cut trees, branches, or remove the bark from them. Please submit a maintenance request through Email or fill at the maintenance form at the office to have them removed or trimmed.

Fire Pits

Any personal fire pits must be approved by Management.

  • Campers are to maintain a reasonable size fire; for safety reasons, we do not allow the burning of large lumber, pressure-treated lumber, or pallets.
  • Please do not cut or remove bark on any trees within the park.
  • At no time is fire to be left unattended.

Parents must accompany children under age 21 who are staying on the premises/site. At no time is a child under the age of 16 is to be left on the premises without parental supervision.

You are responsible for the actions and whereabouts of your children and any friends they bring to the park with them, at all times. Children under the age of 10 years must be on their own sites by 9:30PM and Children under the age of 18 years must be on their own sites by 11:00 pm or on a seasonal site under adult supervision by one of the children’s parents. Children that are on another seasonal site must be accompanied home by an adult. The only exception will be during events that run past 11:00 pm. Children wandering around the park after curfew without supervision will be brought back to their site by security and a report will be made for management to review.


All pets must be kept on a leash at all times. Owners are responsible to clean up after their pets. Pets are NOT to be left unattended at your site. Please control any barking. NO pets are allowed at the pool area, in any building, or in the playground areas. Any pets that show aggression will not be permitted back to the park.


Use of the Vacationland dog park is at your own Risk and Vacationland is not liable for damages or injuries through misuse, or by patrons of the park.

  • Dog park hours are 8 am-8 pm
  • No children under the age of 16 in a fenced area
  • Only 6 dogs permitted at one time in a fenced area
  • Handlers are limited to 2 dogs maximum at any one time
  • Dogs must be licensed and up to date on current vaccines
  • Handlers must pick up after their dogs
  • Dogs must be 4 months or older
  • dogs must be in view and under the control of their handlers at all times. Handlers must have possession of a leash at all times.
  • A dog displaying aggressive tendencies must be muzzled or removed from the park
  • Female dogs in heat are prohibited
  • No human food is permitted in the fenced area

If any seasonal camper should have any concerns, questions, and/or inquiries, please arrange to meet with Management.